Call us at (210) 858-8917 OR EMAIL info@gotodbs.net

We welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver the best service in the industry.
We welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver the best service in the industry.
Q- When is pay day?
Q- When is pay day?
A- We pay weekly on Fridays unless it falls on a holiday but it's the employees responsibility to turn in there time sheet in a timely manner.
Q- Do I have an opportunity to be hired directly by the client I’m
assigned to?
Q- Do I have an opportunity to be hired directly by the client I’m
assigned to?
A- Yes but the hiring decision is entirely up to our clients. We make it easy for our clients to hire you with our no fee after a agreed upon period of time.
Q- Who is FrankCrum and why is my application with them?
Q- Who is FrankCrum and why is my application with them?
A- Frank Crum is a Professional Employer Organization and duek employer with DBS to bring services and benefits to ua and our employees.
Q- Do I work for DBS or Frank Crum?
Q- Do I work for DBS or Frank Crum?
A- You work directly for DBS but you are a duel employee of Frank Crum.
Q- Do I have benefits?
Q- Do I have benefits?
A- FrankCrum offers benefits like Medical, 401k and others.
Q- How do I find out about Frank Crum benefits?
Q- How do I find out about Frank Crum benefits?
A- You can log on to www.frankcrum.com to find out how to qualify for benefits.
Q- Do DBS or FrankCrum pay for sick time, personal days, vacation or holidays?
Q- Do DBS or FrankCrum pay for sick time, personal days, vacation or holidays?
A- While DBS doesn't pay for any time off unless if it's government mandated, often our clients will reward our employees with the time off with pay. It's entirely up to the client unless otherwise stated in your employment agreement.
Q- Is there a formal company dress code?
Q- Is there a formal company dress code?
A- You will be informed of the dress code per assignment.